Model DP569 User’s Manual DolbyRemote
5.3.3 Adding or Removing Additional Devices
To add additional encoders, click the New button or select File, New Device. The
Open Device window is again displayed. See Section 5.3 for parameter details.
Figure 5-3 Controlling Two Encoders
To remove or discontinue the remote control of a device, click Close or select File,
Close Device.
5.4 General Operation
5.4.1 Saving and Restoring Configurations
DolbyRemote can save the configuration of the active device so that it can easily be
recalled later. The file extension for these configurations is .dby and can only be read
with DolbyRemote. Configurations can be transferred between different DP569
encoders, using this function.
Configuration files can be opened or saved from the File menu, or from buttons on
the Tool Bar.
5.4.2 Exporting Configurations
Export file gives two different options for saving the current configuration as a file
that can be read and printed outside of the remote software. It is not possible to use
these file types to configure a unit. You may export the current settings in either a text
file or an HTML file.
5.5 Common Setup Problems
Make sure the unit is in remote mode (press Shift, ←). The remote LED should be lit.