Setting up your wireless router


3You will be asked to pick a security type. We recommend WPA2-PSK as the security mode and then WPA-PSK+WPA2-PSK as the Authentication, as it is the most secure and easiest to use. Once you have made your choice, click Apply Changes.

4In the Pre-shared key field, type a security key that is easy for you to remember. Using some punctuation will increase your network's security (for example, “My favorite team is the Tigers!”). Click Apply Changes.

5Now go to each of your wireless computers. Use the wireless utility software on each to do the following (see you wireless adapter's user manual for more detailed instructions):

a.Find your wireless network and connect to it.b.When prompted, enter the phrase you created above.

Note: If a computer does not accept the phrase, it likely does not yet support WPA/WPA2. Go to your wireless adapter manufacturer's Web site and check for a driver update.