Basic operation

4 . Press either button [ BND ] to select characters.

[BND ] button: Advances the character forward in its type.

[BND ] button: Moves the character backward in its type.

[Upper-case alphabet characters] Initial value [Up direction] A B C ... X Y Z

[numeric characters] Initial value [Up direction] 1 2 3 . . . 8 9 0

[Symbol] Initial value

[Up direction]

! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , – . / : ; < = > ? @ ´ _

•To change the type of character to be entered, repeat steps 2 and 3.

•A maximum of 30 characters may be entered per memo. •A maximum of 5 memos may be stored.

5.Press the [MODE] button.

Memo settings are now completed.

Deleting a memo

1.Press the number button corresponding to the memo to be deleted for two seconds while the power is turned off.

2 . Press the [MODE] button for more than two seconds.

The memo will be deleted.