How to operate the CD player
[MODE] button
[ BND ] button
5.Press either [

[BND ] button: Advances the character forward in its type.
[BND ] button: Moves the character backward in its type.
A B C ... X Y Z
[numeric characters] Initial value [Up direction] 1 2 3 . . . 8 9 0
[Symbol] Initial value | [Up direction] |
! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + ,
•To change the type of character to be entered, repeat steps 2 and 3.
•A maximum of 10 characters may be entered per title. •30 to 100 titles (changeable) can be stored (Use store).
•If the number of discs that can be memorized is exceeded, the information about the disc whose playing time is oldest is deleted.
6.Press the [MODE] button.The CD title is now memorized.