III-4-1. WLAN Security
The security/encryption type and password for your wireless extender is the same as your existing router/access point. On this page you can set a new SSID for your extender and choose to broadcast or hide the extender’s SSID.
Broadcast SSID | Enable or disable ESSID broadcast. When |
| enabled, the ESSID will be visible to clients as |
| an available |
| the ESSID will not be visible as an available |
| |
| manually enter the ESSID in order to connect. |
| A hidden (disabled) ESSID is typically more |
| secure than a visible (enabled) SSID. WPS |
| |
| SSID broadcast is disabled. |
Device SSID | This is the name of your |
| identification, also sometimes referred to as |
| “SSID”. The SSID can consist of any |
| combination of up to 32 alphanumerical |
| characters. |
Security Type | The security/encryption type of your |
| |
| displayed here. The security/encryption type |
| is the same as your existing router/access |
| point. |