32 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
Problems Possible cause and remedy
4. Characters a re blurred Check whether the signal setting of your PC matches
the resolution and the vertical freque ncy settings
for the monitor. (refer to the Setup Manual “Setting
Screen Resolution”)
Adjust using <Outline Enhancer>. (page 22)
5. Afterim ages appear Use a screen saver or off timer function for a long -
time image display.
Afterimages are particular to LCD monito rs. Avoid
displaying the same image for a long time.
6. Green/red/ blue/white dots or de fective dots
remain on the screen.
This is due to LCD panel characteristics and is not a
7. Interfe rence patterns or pres sure marks remain
on the screen.
Leave the monitor with a white or black screen. The
symptom may disappear.
8. Noise appear s on the screen. When entering the s ignals of HDCP system, the
normal images may not be displayed immediately.
9. Display posit ion is incorrect. Adjust image position using <Hor.Position> or <Ver.
Position>. (page 16)
If the problem persists, use the graphics board ’s utility
if available to change the display position.
10. Ver tical bars appear on t he screen or a part of the
Adjust using <Clock>. (page 16)•
11.W holescreenisickeringorblurrin g. Adjust using <Phase>. (page 16)•
12. U pper part of the screen i s distorted as shown
below. This is caused when both composite sync (X- OR)
signal and separate vertical sync signal are input
simultaneously. Select either composite signal or
separate signal.
13. T he adjustment menu does no t appear. Check whether the operation lo ck function works.
(page 25)
14. M ode menu does not appear. Check whether the operation lock function works.
(page 25)
15. T he auto adjust function do es not work correctly. This function d oes not work when digital signal is
This function is intended for use on the Macintosh and
on AT-compatible PC running Windows. It may not
work properly in either of the following case s. It does
not work properly when an image is displayed only
on a part of the screen (command prompt window,
for example) or when a black background (wallpaper,
etc.) is in use.
This function does not work correct ly with some
graphics boards.