[Location of Caution Statement]DVI-1 DVI-2
Product specifications may vary with sales areas.
Confirm the specifications in the manual written in the language of the region of purchase.
This product has acquired TCO standard that relates to safety, ergonomics, environment and so forth of
office equipment. For overview of the TCO, refer to our website.
Copyright© 2009 EIZO NANAO CORPORATION All rights reser ved.
No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without the prior written perm ission of EIZO NANAO
EIZO NANAO CORPORATION is under no obligation to hold any submitted material or information
condential unless prior arrangements are made pursuant to EIZO NANAO CORPORATION’s receipt of
said information.
Although every effort has been made to ensure that this manual provides up-to- date information, please
note that EIZO monitor specications are subject to change without notice.
Apple, Macintosh, Mac OS and Color Sync are registered trademarks of A pple Inc.
VGA is a registered trademark of Intern ational Business Machines Cor poration.
Windows and Windows Vista are reg istered trademarks of Microsof t Corporation.
The round gothic bold bit map font used fo r this product is designed by Ricoh.
DisplayPort icon and VESA are tr ademarks and registered trademar ks of Video Electronics Standa rds Association.
PowerManager, ColorNavigator and Uni Color Pro are a trademark of EIZO NAN AO CORPORATION.
EIZO and ColorEdge are registered tra demarks of EIZO NANAO CORPOR ATION in Japan and other countries.