18 Chapter2AdjustingScreens
●To adjust gamma
Gamma can be adjusted. The br ightness of the monitor varies depending on the input sig nal, however, the
variation rate is not proportional to the i nput signal. To keep the balance between the input signal and the
brightness of the monitor is called as “Gam ma correction”.
Adjustable range
1.8, 2.0, 2.2
1. Choose “Color” i n the Setting menu, and press .
2. Choose “G amma” in the “Color” menu, and press .
The “Gamma” menu appears.
3. Use or for adjustment.
4. Pre ss to exit.
• If “Pap er” is selected in the FineContr ast mode, the gamma value is displayed for “Pape r”. The setting “Paper” is
specially meant to get the displayed im age look like it is printed on paper.
●To adjust the color saturation
This function allows you to adjust color saturat ion.
Adjustable range
-50 to 50
1. Choose “Color” i n the Setting menu, and press .
2. Choose “Advanced Settings” i n the “Color” menu, and press .
3. Choose “ Saturation” in the “Advanced Settings” menu, and press .
The “Saturation” menu appea rs.
4. Use or for adjustment.
5. Pre ss to exit.
• Using th is function may make some color gra dations unavailable for display.
• The m inimum value (-50) changes the screen to monochrome.