Chapter 4 Touch Panel Settings (Windows 8.1 / Windows 8 / Windows 7)This chapter explains touch panel setti ngs when using the monitor with Windows 8.1 / Windows 8 / Windows 7.
Settings are congure d on the Windows Control Panel.
• If usi ng the touch panel with Windows XP, see the Touch Panel Driver User’s Manual (on the CD-ROM).
4-1. Calibrating the Monitor
• Do not put you r hands or any metal close to the screen be cause the screen is susceptible to ele ctrical conductors.
• If a “Use r Account Control” dialog box is displayed duri ng operation, proceed accordi ng to the displayed instruct ions.
1. Open the Windows Control Panel.
The method for opening the Control Panel differs de pending on the OS.
Windows 8.1
1. Click at the bottom of the “Start” screen.
The “Apps” screen appears.
2. Click “Contr ol Panel” under “Windows System”.
Windows 8
1. Rig ht-click the mouse on the “Start” screen at a position where the re are no tiles.
App commands appear at the bott om of the screen.
2. Click “All apps”.
3. Click “Contr ol Panel” under “Windows System”.
Windows 7
1. Click “Sta rt” - “Control Panel”.