44 Chapter7Reference
●To set input signal selection
Setting Function
Auto Themonitorrecognizestheconnec torthroughwhichPCsignalsareinput.
WhenaPCisturnedofforentersthepowersavin gmode,themonitorautomatically
Manual ThemonitordetectsonlythePC’ssignalscur rentlydisplayingautomatically.Selectthe
inputsignalfordisplayusingthe operationbut ton.
1. Choose “ Monitor Settings” from the Adjustment menu, and press .
2. Choose “I nput Signal” from ���Monitor Settings”, and press .
3. Select “Auto” or “Manual” with or .
4. Pre ss to exit.
• If you select “Auto”, the monitor enters t he power saving mode after all the PCs have ente red the power saving mode or
have been switched off.