Electrolux C 718 40-4i installation instructions Switching Off the Appliance, Cleaning and Care

Models: C 718 40-4i

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Switching Off the Appliance

To switch off the appliance, turn the temperature regulator to position "0" or disconnect from the electricity supply.

If the appliance is not going to be used for an extended period:

1.Remove all refrigerated and deep-frozen packages as well as ice trays.

2.Remove the mains plug or switch off.

3.Defrost freezer compartment and clean thoroughly (see section: “Cleaning and Care”).

4.Leave the door open to avoid the build up of odours.

Cleaning and Care

For hygienic reasons the appliance interior, including interior accessories, should be cleaned regularly.


Before carrying out any cleaning or maintenance, disconnect the appliance from the electricity supply.

Never clean the appliance with a steam cleaner. Moisture could accumu- late in electrical components, which could cause an electric shock! Hot vapours can lead to the damage of plastic parts.

The appliance must be dry before it is placed back into service.


• Ethereal oils and organic solvents can attack plastic parts, e.g.

lemon juice or the juice from orange peel,

butyric acid;

cleansers which contain acetic acid.

Do not allow such substances to come into contact with appliance parts.

Many proprietary kitchen surface cleaners contain chemicals that can attack/damage the plastics used in this appliance. For this reason it is recommended that the outer casing of this appliance is only cleaned with warm water with a little washing-up liqiud added.

1.Remove frozen food and the food from the refrigerator. Wrap frozen food in several layers of newspaper. Store it in a cool place, well covered.

2.Switch the appliance off and remove the plug from the mains, or switch off.


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Electrolux C 718 40-4i installation instructions Switching Off the Appliance, Cleaning and Care