About utensils and coverings
The following coverings are ideal:
Paper towels are good for covering foods for •
rehe ating and ab sorbi ng fat while co oking
Wax paper can be used for cooking and •
Plastic wrap that is specially marked for micro-•
wave use can be used for cooking and reheating.
DO NOT allow plastic wrap to touch food. Vent
so steam can escape.
Lids that are microwave-safe are a good choice •
because heat is kept nea r the food to hasten
Oven cooking bags are good for la rge meats or •
foods that need tenderizing. DO NOT use metal
twist ties. Remember to slit bag so steam can
How to use aluminum foil in your Microwave
Small flat pieces of aluminum foil placed smoothly •
on the food can be used to shield areas that are
either defrosting or cooking too quickly.
Foil should not come closer than one inch to any •
surface of the oven.
Should you have questions about utensils or cover-
ings, check a good mic rowave cookbook or follow
recipe suggestions.


There ar e many microwave accessorie s available
for purchase. Evaluate carefully before you purchase
so that they me et your needs. A microwave-safe
thermometer will assist you in deter mining cor-
rect donenes s and assu re you that foods have
been cooked to safe temperatures. Electrolux is
not responsible fo r any damage to the oven when
accessories are used.
It is not necess ary to buy all new cookware. Many
pieces alre ady in your kitchen can be used suc-
cessfully in your new Microwave Oven. Ma ke sure
the utensil does not touch the interior walls during
Use these utensils for safe microwave cooking
and reheating:
glass ceramic (Pyroceram• ®), s uc h as
heat-resistant glass (Pyrex• ®)
microwave-safe plastics•
paper plates•
mic row ave -sa fe p ott ery, sto new are a nd •
browning dish ( Do not exceed recommended •
pre he ati ng t ime . Fol low man uf act ure r's
These items can be used for short time re heat-
ing of foods that have little fat or sugar in them:
• wood,straw,wicker
metal pans and bakeware•
dishes with metallic trim•
non-heat-resistant glass•
non-microwave-safe plastics •
(margarine tubs)
recycled paper products•
brown paper bags•
food storage bags•
metal twist-ties•
Should you wis h to che ck i f a dish is safe for
microwaving, place the empty dish in the oven and
microwave on HIGH for 30 seconds. A dish which
becomes very hot should not be used.
Information You Need To Know