Reheat Pasta / Reheat BreadsAuto Reheat chart
Food Amount Procedure
1. Fresh Rolls/
1 - 10 Use this pad to warm rolls, muffins, biscuits, bagels etc. Large items
should be considered as 2 or 3 regular size. Arrange on p late; cover
with paper towel. For refrigerated rolls or muff ins, it may be necessary
to d oub le t he e nte red am oun t to ens ure the pro pe r se rv ing tem per atu re.
For example, enter quantity of 2 for 1 refrigerated muffin. Touch desired
number to select quantity and touch sTA RT.
2. Frozen Rolls/
1 - 10 Use this pad to warm frozen rolls, muffins, biscu its, bagels, etc. Large
items should be considered as 2 or 3 regular size. Arrange on plate,
cover with paper towel. Touch desired number to select quantit y and
touch sTAR T.
3. Pasta 1 - 6 cups Use this pad to reheat refrigerated canned or homemade pasta with
sauce. For room temperature pastas, use Less option. Pasta without
sauce double the quantity per setting. For example, measure 2 cups of
cooked noodles and program for 1 cup. Cover wi th lid or plastic wrap.
Touch auto reheat pad and touch number 3. Enter the desired number
of cups and touch sTAR T. After cooki ng, let stand, covered, 2 to 3
The reheat s ettings automatically computes the
correct warming and heating time and microwave
power level for foods shown in the chart below.
Step Touc h
Touch 1. auto reheat.
Touch number 1 for 2.
fresh rolls or muffins. 1
Touch desired number 3.
to select quantity. 2
Touch 4. sTAR T pad.
1. To rehe at dif ferent foods o r food s above
or below the quantity allowed, use manual
2. Reheat settings c an be programmed with
More or less time adjustment. See page 22.
Auto Cook