About utensils and coverings
The following coverings are ide al:
• Papertowels ar e good for coveri ng foods for
rehea ting and abs orbin g f at while coo king
• Wax p ape r ca n be  use d fo r c ook ing  and
• Plasticwrapthatisspecia llymarkedformicro-
wave use can be used for cooking and reheating.
DO NOT allow plastic wrap to touch food. Vent
so steam can escape.
• Lidsthataremicrowave-safeareagoodchoice
because he at is kept near the fo od to hasten
• Ovencookingbagsaregoodforlargemeats or
foods that need tenderizing. DO NOT use metal
twist ties. Remember to slit bag so steam can
How to use aluminum foil in you r Micr owave
• Smallflatpiecesofaluminumfoilplacedsmoothly
on the food can be used to shield areas that are
either defrosting or cooking too quickly.
• Foilshouldnotcomecloserthanoneinchtoany
surface of the oven.
Should you have questions about utensils or cover-
ings, check a good microwave cookbook or follow
recipe suggestions.


There are many mic rowave accessories available
for purchase. Evaluate carefully before you purchase
so that they meet your ne eds. A microwave-safe
thermometer will assist you in determining cor-
rect doneness and assure you that foods have
been co oked to safe te mperatures. Electrolux is
not responsible for any damage to the oven when
accessories are used.
It is not necessar y to buy all new cook ware. Many
pieces already in your kitchen ca n be used suc-
cessfully in your new Microwave Oven. Make sure
the utensil does not touch the interior walls dur ing
Use these utensil s for safe microwave co oking
and reheating:
• gla s s cer a m i c  (Py r o c e r a m ®) , s uc h as
• heat-resistantglass(Pyrex®)
• microwave-safeplastics
• paperplates
• mic row ave -sa fe p ott er y, st one war e an d
• browning dish (Do not  exceed reco mmended
pre hea tin g ti me. Fol low man ufa ctu rer 's
These items can be used for short time reheating
of foods that have little fat o r sugar in them:
• wood,straw,wicker
• metalpansandbakeware
• disheswithmetallictrim
• non-heat-resistantglass
• non -mic rowav e-sa fe pl asti cs (ma rga rine
• recycledpaperproducts
• brownpaperbags
• foodstoragebags
• metaltwist-ties
Should you wish to chec k if a dish is safe for
microwaving, place the empty dish in the oven and
microwave on HIGH for 30 seconds. A dish which
becomes very hot should not be used.
Information you Need To Know
TINSLB003.indb 10 12/11/08 9:30:34 AM