About food
Food Do Don't
nuts, seeds,
fruits &
•Punctureeg gyolksbefore cooking to
prevent “explosion”.
•Pi erc e sk ins o f po tat oes , ap ple s,
squash, hot dogs and sausages so that
steam escapes.
•Drynutsorsee dsinshells.
Popcorn •Use  spec ial ly ba gged  popc orn  for
microwave cooking.
• L ist en wh ile  popp ing  cor n for  the
popping to slow to 1 or 2 seconds or
use special popcorn pad.
•Poppopcorn inregula rbrownba gs
or glass bowls.
•Exceed maximum time on popcorn
Baby food •Transferbaby foo d tosm all dish and
heat carefull y, stir ring often. Check
temperature before serving.
shake thoroughly. “Wrist” test before
•Heatdisposablebottle s.
General • Cutbakedgoodswithfillingafterheat-
ing to release steam and avoid burns.
• Sti r liqui ds bris kly bef ore and  after
heating to avoid “eruption”.
• Usedeepbowl,whencookingliquids
or cereals, to prevent boilovers.
• Heatorcookinclosedglass jarsor
air tight containers.
• Can  in the mi crowave a s harm ful
bacteria may not be destroyed.
• Deepfatfry.
• Dr y woo d, go urds,  herb s or w et
Information you Need To Know
TINSLB003.indb 9 12/11/08 9:30:34 AM