USB HID Keyboard Emulation Swipe Reader
Description: | The value is a byte that represents the devices interface type. The value can |
| be set to 0 for the HID interface or to 1 for the keyboard emulation interface. |
| When the value is set to 0 (HID) the device will behave as described in the |
| HID manual. When the value is set to 1 (keyboard emulation) the device will |
| behave as described in the keyboard emulation manual. This property should |
| be the first property changed because it affects which other properties are |
| available. After this property is changed, the device should be power cycled |
| before changing any other properties. This property is stored in |
| EEPROM memory so it will persist when the unit is power cycled. When this |
| property is changed, the unit must be power cycled to have these changes take |
| effect. If a value other than the default value is desired, it can be set by the |
| factory upon request. Examples follow: |
Example Set INTERFACE_TYPE property Request (Hex):
Cmd Num | Data Len | Prp ID | Prp Value |
01 | 02 | 10 | 00 |
Example Set INTERFACE_TYPE property Response (Hex):
Result Code | Data Len | Data |
00 | 00 |
Example Get INTERFACE_TYPE property Request (Hex):
Cmd Num | Data Len | Prp ID |
00 | 01 | 10 |
Example Get INTERFACE_TYPE property Response (Hex):
Result Code | Data Len | Prp Value |
00 | 01 | 00 |