e n c o r e


Ghjxnbnt bycnherwbb

Gthtl yfxfkjv =rcgkefnfwbb bpltkbz ytj,[jlbvj ghjxtcnm dct bycnherwbb gj nt[ybrt ,tpjgfcyjcnb b =rcgkefnfwbb7

Cj[hfyzqnt bycnherwbb

Bycnherwbb gj nt[ybrt ,tpjgfcyjcnb b =rcgkefnfwbb ytj,[jlbvj cj[hfyznm lkz gjcktle.ob[ cghfdjr7

J,hfofqnt dybvfybt yf ghtljcntht;tybz

Ytj,[jlbvj dsgjkyznm dct ghtljcntht;tybz9 erfpfyyst yf bpltkbb b d bycnherwbz[ gj tuj =rcgkefnfwbb7

Cktleqnt bycnherwbzv

Ytj,[jlbvj cktljdfnm dctv bycnherwbzv gj =rcgkefnfwbb b gjkmpjdfyb.7


Gthtl yfxfkjv jxbcnrb dsymnt dbkre iyehf gbnfybz bp hjptnrb =ktrnhjctnb7 Yt gjkmpeqntcm ;blrbvb bkb f=hjpjkmysvb vj.obvb chtlcndfvb7 Lkz jxbcnrb bcgjkmpeqnt vzure. nrfym7

Vjynf;yst ghbcgjcj,ktybz

Yt bcgjkmpeqnt vjynf;yst ghbcgjcj,ktybz9 yt htrjvtyljdfyyst bpujnjdbntktv bpltkbz9 nfr rfr jyb vjuen ghtlcnfdkznm jgfcyjcnm7

Djlf b dkfuf

Yt bcgjkmpeqnt =njn fggfhfn d,kbpb djls — yfghbvth9 hzljv c dfyyjq9 hfrjd- byjq9 re[jyyjq vjqrjq bkb nfpjv lkz cnbhrb ,tkmz4 d gjldfkf[ c gjdsityyjq dkf;yjcnm. bkb hzljv c gkfdfntkmysv ,fcctqyjv7


Otkb b jndthcnbz yf rjhgect ghtlyfpyfxtys lkz dtynbkzwbb9 j,tcgtxbdf.otq yflt;ye. hf,jne bpltkbz b pfobne tuj jn gthtuhtdf9 gj=njve =nb jndthcnbz yt ljk;ys pfujhf;bdfnmcz bkb pfrhsdfnmcz7 Bpltkbt yt cktletn hfpvtofnm yf rhjdfnb9 cjat9 rjdht bkb yf lheujq fyfkjubxyjq gjdth[yjcnb9 nfr rfr ghb =njv vjuen pfujhf;bdfnmcz

dtynbkzwbjyyst jndthcnbz7 Bpltkbt yt cktletn ecnfyfdkbdfnm d pfvryenst j,≤tvs9 nfrbt rfr ryb;yst gjkrb bkb zobrb9 pf bcrk.xtybtv jcj,s[ ckexftd9 rjulf d yb[ j,tcgtxbdftncz ljcnfnjxyfz dtynbkzwbz bkb rjulf =nj hfphtityj d bycnherwbz[ bpujnjdbntkz7

Bcnjxybrb gbnfybz

+nj bpltkbt cktletn gjlcjtlbyznm r bcnjxybre gbnfybz njkmrj njuj nbgf9 rjnjhsq erfpfy yf abhvtyyjq nf,kbxrt7 Tckb Ds yt pyftnt gfhfvtnhjd =ktrnhjctnb d Dfitv ljvt9 j,hfnbntcm r Dfitve lbkthe bkb d vtcnye. =ktrnhbxtcre. rjvgfyb.7 Lkz bpltkbq9 hf,jnf.ob[ jn =ktvtynjd gbnfybz bkb lheub[ bcnjxybrjd9 cv7 Herjdjlcndj gj b[ =rcgkefnfwbb7

Pfptvktybt bkb cj,k.ltybt gjkzhyjcnb

+nj bpltkbt vj;tn ,snm j,jheljdfyj gjkzhbpjdfyyjq ctntdjq dbkrjq

5c rjynfrnysvb gkfcnbyfvb hfpkbxyjq ibhbys87 Gjkzhbpjdfyyfz ctntdfz dbkrf ghtlyfpyfxtyf lkz j,tcgtxtybz ,tpjgfcyjcnb7 Nfrfz dbkrf ,eltn dcnfdkznmcz d hjptnre =ktrnhjctnb njkmrj d jlyjv gjkj;tybb7 Tckb dbkrf yt dcnfdkztncz d hjptnre gjkyjcnm.9 gjgsnfqntcm gthtdthyenm dbkre7 Tckb dbkrf gj-ght;ytve yt dcnfdkztncz d hjptnre9 j,hfnbntcm r rdfkbabwbhjdfyyjve =ktrnhbre7 Yb ghb rfrb[ j,cnjzntkmcndf[ yt yfheifqnt gjkzhbpfwb. dbkrb7

Pfobnf iyehjd gbnfybz

Iyehs gbnfybz ljk;ys ghjrkflsdfnmcz nfrbv j,hfpjv9 xnj,s yf yb[ yt yfcnegfkb b yt pfltdfkb b[ rfrbvb-kb,j ghtlvtnfvb9 hfcgjkj;tyysvb hzljv c ybvb9 j,hfofqnt jcj,jt dybvfybt yf iyehs d,kbpb intgctkmys[ hfp≤tvjd b vtcnf ds[jlf bp bpltkbz7


Yt gthtuhe;fqnt hjptnrb =ktrnhjctnb b elkbybntkmyst iyehs9 nfr rfr =nj cjplftn jgfcyjcnm djpujhfybz bkb gjhf;tybz =ktrnhbxtcrbv njrjv7

Gjgflfyyt dyenhm ghtlvtnjd b ;blrjcntq

Ybrjulf yt dcnfdkzqnt ybrfrbt ghtlvtns dyenhm rjhgecf xthtp jndthcnbz9 nfr rfr jyb vjuen ghbrjcyenmcz r =ktvtynfv9 yf[jlzobvcz gjl jgfcysv yfghz;tybtv9 bkb dspdfnm rjhjnrjt pfvsrfybt9 xnj cjplftn jgfcyjcnm djpujhfybz bkb gjhf;tybz =ktrnhbxtcrbv njrjv7 Ybrjulf yt ghjkbdfqnt

yf bpltkbt ybrfrb[ ;blrjcntq7


Yt gsnfqntcm dsgjkyznm nt[ybxtcrjt j,cke;bdfybt bpltkbz cfvjcnjzntkmyj9 nfr rfr jnrhsdfybt bkb elfktybt rhsitr vj;tn ghbdtcnb r gjgflfyb. gjl jgfcyjt yfghz;tybt b lheubv jgfcyjcnzv7

Bcnjxybrb ntgkf

+nj bpltkbt cktletn hfpvtofnm dlfkb jn bcnjxybrjd ntgkf9 nfrb[ rfr hflbfnjhs9 ntgkjdst pfdtcs9 gtxb bkb lheubt ghb,jhs 5drk.xfz ecbkbntkb89 rjnjhst dsltkz.n ntgkj7

Gththsds d bcgjkmpjdfybb

Tckb fggfhfn yt ,eltn bcgjkmpjdfnmcz d ntxtybt lkbntkmyjuj gthbjlf dhtvtyb9 dbkre iyehf gbnfybz cktletn dsybvfnm bp hjptnrb =ktrnhjctnb7

Gjdht;ltybz9 nht,e.obt j,cke;bdfybz

Rdfkbabwbhjdfyysq gthcjyfk ljk;ty ghjdtcnb nt[ybxtcrjt j,cke;bdfybt =njuj bpltkbz d nt[ ckexfz[9 rjulf6

(A)Gjdht;lty iyeh gbnfybz bkb dbkrf4

(B)Dyenhm fggfhfnf gjgfkb ghtlvtns bkb ;blrjcnm4

(C)Fggfhfn gjgfk gjl lj;lm4

(D)Gjzdbkbcm ghbpyfrb ytbcghfdyjcnb fggfhfnf bkb ghjbpjikb pfvtnyst bpvtytybz tuj [fhfrnthbcnbr4

(E)Bpltkbt ehjybkb bkb gjdht;lty tuj rjhgec7


Gjplhfdkztv dfc c ghbj,htntybtv uhjvrjujdjhbntktq +ythl;b} Jhbubyfkmyfz9 hfphf,jnfyyfz rjvgfybtq +ythl;b nt[yjkjubz9 b dscjrjt rfxtcndj bpujnjdktybz gjpdjkzn dfv ljkubt ujls yfckf;lfnmcz yfb,jktt tcntcndtyysv b njxysv djcghjbpdtltybtv vepsrb9 xnj zdkztncz jnkbxbntkmyjq xthnjq dct[ uhjvrjujdj hbntktq vfhrb “+ythl;b27 Cjdtns9 cjlth;fobtcz d =njq bycnherwbb9 yfghfdktys yf nj9 xnj,s gjvjxm dfv ljcnbuyenm jgnbvfkmyjuj ehjdyz djcghjbpdtltybz b yfbkexituj bcgjkytybz9 f ntv cfvsv b vfrcbvfkmyjuj eljdktndjhtybz ghb ckeifymb7

Cnflbb rjycnhebhjdfybz ghtlitcnde.n j,ibhyst bccktljdfybz dct[ fcgtrnjd uhjvrjujdjhbntktq b b[ jwtyrf9 n7t7 yfkbwj rjywtgwbz9 rjnjhe. vs yfpsdftv “wtkjcnysv2 gjl[jljv r rjycnhebhjdfyb.7 Vtkmxfqibt rjvgjytyns b vfnthbfks bpujnfdkbdf.ncz b bcgsnsdf.ncz c bcgjkmpjdfybtv cfvs[ gthtljds[ vtnjljd ghjbpdjlcndf b rjynhjkz lkz njuj9 xnj,s j,tcgtxbnm bcrk.xbntkmyjt djcghjbpdtltybt9 kexitt xtv e uhjvrjujdjhbntktq9 d ytcrjkmrj hfp ghtdjc[jlzob[ b[ gj wtyt7

Ghbvtxfybt6 Cj[hfyzqnt9 gj;fkeqcnf9 dct rfhnjyyst rjhj,rb b egfrjdjx

ysq vfnthbfk jn dfib[ uhjvrjujdjhbntktq +ythl;b lkz njuj9 xnj,s ghtlj[hfyznm b[ d ckexft gthttplf bkb ghb jnghfdrt d wtynh gj j,cke;bdfyb. lkz htvjynf7 Ghjlerwbz9 gjkextyyfz cthdbc-wtynhjv d gjdht;l∑yyjv dblt9 tckb jyf ,skf jnghfdktyf rjytxysv gjnht,bntktv d egfrjdrt9 jnkbxf.otqcz jn jhbubyfkmyjq9 htvjynbhetncz9 ghbdjlbncz d gjhzljr9 ljk;ysv j,hfpjv egfrjdsdftncz lkz jnghfdrb d flhtc rjytxyjuj gjkmpjdfntkz b jncskftncz pf tuj cx∑n7


Uhjvrjujdjhbntkb +ythl;b crjycnhebhjdfys b bpujnjdktys rjhgjhfwbtq Felbj Ghjlfrnc Bynthy=iyk9 jcyjdfyyjq d !(&# ujle7 FGB d[jlbn d gthde. d vbht ltcznre ghjbpdjlbntktq uhjvrjujdjhbntktq b gjcnfdkztn cdj. ghjlerwb. ,jktt xtv d %% cnhfy vbhf7

Pfdjl FGB ghtlcnfdkztn cj,jq cjdhtvtyysq rjvgktrc gkjoflm. !^% ))) rd7 aenjd9 drk.xf.obq bccktljdfntkmcrbq b rjycnhernjhcrbq jnltks b ghjbpdjlcndtyyst gjlhfpltktybz7 Pfdjl hfcgjkj;ty d jlyjv bp ghbujhjljd Njhjynj9 d Rfyflt7 <jktt @)) xtkjdtr hf,jnf.n d =njv ghtlcnfdkz.otv cj,jq itltdh fh[bntrnehs rjvgktrct9 rjycnhebhez9 bpujnfdkbdfz b htrkfvbhez ghtj,hfpjdfntkb9 rjhgecyst uhjvrjujdjhbntkb9 ecbkbntkb b rhjccjdths7

Rjkktrnbd rjvgtntynys[ bccktljdfntktq b hfphf,jnxbrjd bcgjkmpetn cjdhtvtyyst9 jcyjdfyyst yf ghbvtytybb rjvgm.nthjd vtnjls rjycnhebhjdfybz b nhb ,tp≤=[jds[ rfvths d gjcnjzyyj cjdthitycnde.otqcz ghjuhfvvt hfphf,jnjr7 +nbv rjkktrnbdjv herjdjlbn pfvtcnbntkm dbwt-ghtpbltynf b ukfdysq rjycnhernjh bpltkbq vfhrb +ythl;b L;jy Xbkbyuehmzy9 hfphf,jnxbr gjkexbdib[ dscjre. jwtyre uhjvrjujdjhbntktq cthbb “Dthbnfc27 Dthbnfc V @9 * pfdjtdfk vyjujxbcktyyst yfuhfls9 jnpsds j y∑v gtxfnfkbcm dj dct[ dtleob[ ;ehyfkf[ gj dscjrbv nt[yjkjubzv7 Dthbnfc V @9 * dlj[yjdbk hfphf,jnxbrjd yf cjplfybt cjdhtvtyyjuj gjrjktybz bpltkbq vfhrb +ythl;b7


Cthbb bpltkbq Fyrjh9 jnkbxf.obtcz evthtyyjq wtyjq9 [fhfrnthbpe.ncz ytrjnjhsvb ghbywbgbfkmysvb xthnfvb9 ghbceobvb kexibv bpltkbzv cthbb Dthbnfc7 Gkjcrfz fvgkbnelyj-xfcnjnyfz [fhfrnthbcnbrf b ibhjrfz lbfgfpjy gjkjcs ghjgecrfybz9 ibhjrfz b gjcnjzyyfz lbcgthcbz9 jxtym ckf,st bcrf;tybt b htpjy c — djn jcyjdyst nht,jdfybz9 ghtl≤zdkztvst r k.,jve uhjvrjujdjhbntk. vfhrb +ythl;b7

Gkjcrfz fvgkbnelyj-xfcnjnyfz [fhfrnthbcnbrf ljcnbuftncz ,kfujlfhz lbaaepjhfv eybrfkmyjq ajhvs9 bpujnjdkbdftvsv cgjcj,jv kbnmz gjl lfdktybtv9 rjnjhst 5lbaaepjhs8 hfcgjkfuf.ncz yf yfrkjyyjv =rhfyt9 xnj gjpdjkztn cybpbnm rhftde. lbahfrwb.7 +nj j,tcgtxbdftn njxyjcnm djcghjbpdtltybz pderf d cgtrnht chtlyb[ xfcnjn b lf∑n yfnehfkmyjt pdexfybt ujkjcf b chtlyb[ xfcnjn7

Gjcrjkmre #)º djcghbybvftvjuj yfvb yf cke[ zdkztncz ghzvsv pdexfybtv b &)º jnhf;∑yysv9 uhjvrjujdjhbntkm ljk;ty j,kflfnm ibhjrbvb lbcgthcysvb [fhfrnthbcnbrfvb lkz njuj9 xnj,s ljcnjdthyj b frrehfnyj djcghjbpdjlbnm jhbubyfkmyst pderjpfgbcb7 Bpujnfdkbdftvsq bp fk.vbybz uhjvrjujdjhbntkm lkz djcghjbpdtltybz dth[yb[ pderjds[ xfcnjn vfhrb Doma c gjldtcrjq bp nrfyb j,kflftn ghtdjc[jlysvb rfxtcndfvb djcghjbpdtltybz dth[yb[ xfcnjn b gthtrk.xftncz yf @ ruw pfljkuj lj njuj9 rfr cbuyfk cnfyjdbncz yfghfdktyysv7

Bcrf;tybt b htpjyfyc9 rjnjhst nfr hfplhf;f.n ckeif.otuj b ghbdjlzn r ds[jle bp cnhjz rjvgjytynjd9 rjynhjkbhe.ncz gjchtlcndjv ghbvtytybz =ktrnhbxtcrb[ rjvgjytynjd c njxyjq rfkb,hjdrjq9 [jhjij ghjlevfyyjq rjycnherwbtq kbytqyjuj ltvgabhjdfybz b ghbvtytybz nt[ybrb rjhgecyjuj ltvgabhjdfybz7 Rjhgecf bpujnfdkbdf.ncz bp bythnyjq kbcnjdjq ab,hs chtlytq gkjnyjcnb lkz ghtljndhfotybz yt;tkfntkmys[ htpjyfycys[ zdktybq bkb db,hfwbq7

Nht,jdfybz r ecbkbntkzv

Bpltkbz cthbq Fyrjh jnkbxf.ncz dscjrjq =aatrnbdyjcnm. b

ytghb[jnkbdjcnm. d jnyjityb ghbcjtlbyztvs[ ecbkbntktq7 Jyb hfccxbnsdf.ncz yf yjvbyfkmyjt cjghjnbdktybt * jv c ds[jlyjq uhjvrjcnm.

*( ltwb,tk7 Jyb vjuen ghjbuhsdfnmcz yf dscjrb[ ehjdyz[ ckeifybz cj chtlytq cbkjq b cgjcj,yjcnm. cghfdkznmcz c ds[jljv ,jkmijq vjoyjcnb rhegys[



Page 26
Image 26
Energy Speaker Systems MUSICAL TRUTHTM owner manual Herjdjlcndj GJ +RCGKEFNFWBB

MUSICAL TRUTHTM specifications

Energy Speaker Systems has made a significant mark in the audio industry with its innovative approach to sound reproduction, culminating in the introduction of the MUSICAL TRUTHTM technology. This groundbreaking system is designed to provide listeners with an unmatched audio experience, emphasizing clarity, depth, and fidelity.

One of the standout features of the MUSICAL TRUTHTM system is its proprietary driver technology. Energy employs advanced materials and engineering techniques to create drivers that deliver a broad frequency response. This ensures that every note, from the lowest bass tones to the highest treble, reaches the listener with precision. The woofers are designed to provide robust bass without distortion, while the tweeters reproduce high frequencies with remarkable detail and accuracy.

Another key characteristic of the MUSICAL TRUTHTM is its commitment to room acoustics. Energy Speaker Systems utilizes advanced algorithms to optimize the speakers' performance according to the specific environment they are placed in. This adaptability means that whether in a small living room or a larger open space, the speakers can adjust to deliver sound that feels natural and immersive.

In terms of build quality, MUSICAL TRUTHTM speakers are crafted with durable materials that not only enhance their aesthetic appeal but also contribute to their acoustic performance. The cabinets are often reinforced to reduce resonance and vibration, ensuring that the sound produced is pure and uncolored. This attention to detail extends to the connections and components used, providing a reliable and high-quality listening experience.

The connectivity options provided by Energy Speaker Systems' MUSICAL TRUTHTM range include both wired and wireless capabilities. This flexibility allows users to easily integrate the system into their existing home theater setups or enjoy music directly from their smartphones or tablets. The ease of use and installation further enhances the overall user experience.

Overall, Energy Speaker Systems' MUSICAL TRUTHTM technology stands as a testament to the brand’s dedication to delivering high-quality audio experiences. With its state-of-the-art driver technology, attention to acoustic optimization, robust build quality, and versatile connectivity options, the MUSICAL TRUTHTM promises to be a game-changer for music enthusiasts and audiophiles alike. It invites users to immerse themselves in sound as it was meant to be heard—true to the artist’s intent.