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The use of outside combustion air is mandatory on the 25-EP Insert.
The outside air connection pipe protrudes from the lower rear center of the
stove; use the included outside air kit to attach your stove to outside combustion
air. Instructions and all the parts needed to make the outside air connection to
your pellet stove are included with the outside air kit.
Outside air can be drawn from an outside air system which terminates at the top
of the chimney opening or down through the ash dump (if your fireplace is so
equipped.) The best choice for outside air connection is the one which uses the
shortest distance of outside air pipe.
If it is not feasible to use the included outside air hookup kit in your stove
installation, other materials may be used provided the following rules are
o The pipe used for outside air hookup must be metal, with a minimum
thickness of .0209 in. (25 gauge mild steel) or greater and an inside
diameter of approximately 2.0 in.
o All pipe joints and connections should be sealed with pipe clamps or
other mechanical means, to insure a leak free outside air connection.
o Long runs of pipe and excessive elbows for outside air should be
avoided. Due to frictional resistance in pipe, any excessive outside air
piping can result in poor stove performance.
o A screen or other protection device must be fitted over the outside air
termination point to prevent rain, debris and nuisance animals from
entering the piping system.
o Increase the outside air pipe size to 3.0 in. diameter pipe if the outside air
connection is more than 6ft. in length, more than two (2) elbows are used
or if the stove is installed in a basement.
The outside air connection system should be inspected at least annually to be
certain it is free from blockage.
NEVER draw outside combustion air from:
Wall, floor or ceiling cavity
Enclosed space such as an attic, garage or crawl space.