Using the Transparency Unit

Loading Transparencies


Before scanning transparencies, wipe the lid of the transparency unit, the scanner’s document table glass, and the narrow window near the hinges. Be sure to keep the window uncovered when loading your transparencies. If your transparency obstructs the window, the colors in your scans will be affected.

You can load transparencies in the film holders or you can place them directly on the document table, as described in the following sections.

Using Film Holders


Three film holders are included with the transparency unit. To place film in the holders, see the instructions for the type of film you’re scanning. To remove a film holder from the document table, lift it out by its tab.

Hold the film by the edges or use gloves. Touching the film surface with bare hands can leave fingerprints or other marks on the film.

Placing the Film

Film has two sides, a base side that is shiny and a dull side with the emulsion. The base side of the film has the film maker’s name and film ID numbers printed on it.

Film should always be loaded in the film holders or placed on the document table with the base side down.