If you need to reinstall your scanner software in Windows . . .

Note: You must uninstall the EPSON scanner software before reinstalling it; the steps are included below.

1.Open the Windows Control Panel.

2.Double-clickScanners and Cameras.

3.Highlight the Perfection 1200 entry.

4.Click Remove to remove your scanner software.

5.Insert your scanner CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.

6.Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop, then double-click the CD-ROM icon. From the EPSON window that appears, double-click the EPSON icon.

7.On the Main Menu, select

Re-install Scanner Software.

8.On the Re-install screen, click the

Re-install EPSON Scanner Software button.

9.At the restart message, click OK.


10.After your computer restarts, you see the Add New Hardware Wizard screen.

Follow steps 3 through 9, starting on page 14 to reinstall your scanner software.

If you need to reinstall your scanner software on a Macintosh . . .

1.Insert your scanner CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.

2.Double-click the EPSON icon.

3.On the Main Menu, select

Re-install Scanner Software.

4.On the Re-install screen, click the

Re-install button.

5.Follow the steps on screen to reinstall your scanner software.