C h a p t e r 3

Powering the Computer

You can operate your ActionNote using the AC adapter, optional
automobile adapter, or the removable battery pack. This chapter
describes how to use these power sources, and how to conserve
energy when using the battery pack.

Using the AC Adapter

To conserve the battery, use the AC adapter whenever you have access to an electrical outlet. When the computer runs on the AC adapter, it draws power from the adapter instead of using the battery. Whenever the AC adapter is connected, it recharges the

battery pack.
The AC adapter is ideally suited for travel to foreign countries. It
is designed to operate in 100 to 240 VAC ranges with a frequency
of 50 to 60 Hz. All you need is an appropriate plug for the
electrical socket; see Appendix C for specifications.

See Chapter 1 for instructions on how to connect the AC adapter to the computer.

Powering the Computer 3-1