Highlight the option you want to change and refer to the information on the screen to see what timeout periods are

available. If you do not use the system for the sqecified amount of time, the computer enters the Suspend mode to save battery power. The next time you press a key, the system comes back on. It’s a good idea to always press the Shift key when you want to resume activity on the computer.

Changing the Password

A f t e r t h e P a s s w o r d o p t i o n o n t h e C u s t o m

Settings screen, you use the Change Text

specify the password.


If you do set a password, be sure it is easy to remember. If you
forget password, you will have to call the Epson Connection for assistance.
Follow these steps to set up or change your password:

1.From the main menu, select the change password option. If you are setting up a password for the first time, you see the following prompts:

Enter New Password:

2.Type your password using up to six characters. To protect your password, the screen does not display what you type.

5-8 Running Setup