Resizing image, 34 Resolution, 1, 121 Return icon, 60, 61
Safety instructions, 115 to 117 Scenarios
adding slides, 47 to 49 background color, 47, 63 to 64 cells, 48
computer access, adding, 50 to 51 Continuous Play, 61
creating, 44 to 51 default location, 47
dragging and dropping PowerPoint files, 44 to 45
editing on the projector, 58 to 64 exiting, 57
presenting on the projector, 56 to 57 previewing slides, 62 to 63 problems, 101
video access, adding, 50 to 51 Screen image
See Image
Screen switching time setting, 49 to 50, 63 to 64
Screen, distance from projector, 10, 121 Screens, portable, 8
Setting menu, 70, 79 to 80 Sharpness setting, 74
.SIT files, 52, 57, 101 Sleep mode, 27, 80 Slides
SmartMedia cards, 41 Software, 4
adjusting tone, 74 to 75 adjusting volume, 32, 74 to 75 problems, troubleshooting, 99 See also Audio
turning off (using A/V Mute), 33 Source button, 22
Source Control, inserting, 50 to 51 Source, selecting, 32
49 to 50 Specifications
brightness, 1, 121 electrical, 122 environmental, 123 general, 121 lamp, 122
remote control, 122 resolution, 1, 121 safety, 123
Spotlight tool customizing, 76 using, 37
Index 131