9.To save your documents without opening them, click Save. Enter a name and folder in the File Name and Path box, or leave the default name. For multiple documents, each file is assigned the file name you select with a new number.
Select one of the available formats for saving your file: TXT, RTF, HTML, or PDF.
To open your files for editing, click Open. Select an application from the list. Click Property to change any settings for the way your documents will open. Click OK when you are done making changes to the Property settings, or click Cancel if you don’t want to save your changes. Click Open.
The PDF format is available only if you have Adobe PDF Writer installed. (It is not included on the
When you scan to OCR using the ] Start button, the pages are automatically opened as individual files in the last application that was selected in Smart Panel’s OCR option.
The next time you scan using the ] Start button, Smart Panel uses these same settings.
Scanning a Document to E-mail
You can scan photos or documents and then attach the resulting files to an
1.Open the EPSON Smart Panel:
In Windows, click the Smart Panel icon on the Windows taskbar.
On a Macintosh, click the Apple menu icon, then click EPSON SMART PANEL.
2.Click the Scan to
3.Select the document settings for your scans:
■Select the document type for your source image.
■Select a destination setting.
4.Click Scan. The scanner scans your image(s).
5.Click Specify Name and Format. You see the following:
6.Choose a format for your file(s).
Scanning from Start to Finish 33