Contrast setting, 73 Cursor speed, setting, 76 Cursor/Stamp tool
Distance from projector to screen, 10, 121 Drawing on the screen, 35 to 37
DVD player, connecting to, 15 to 18
EasyMP button, 32, 56
creating presentations, 39 to 54 creating scenarios, 44 to 51 error messages, 102 installing, 43
transferring scenarios to memory card, 52 to 54
using on the projector, 55 to 67 using remote control, 38
EditScenario icon, 58 Effect menu, 70, 75 to 76 Electrical specifications, 122 EMP SlideMaker
computer access, adding, 50 to 51 creating scenarios, 44 to 51
dragging and dropping PowerPoint files, 44 to 45
transferring scenarios to memory card, 52 to 54
video access, adding, 50 to 51 Enter button, 31 Environmental specifications, 123
EPSON accessories, 8, 104 PrivateLine Support, 5, 103 technical support, 4 to 5, 103 to 104
Error messages, EasyMP, 102 Esc button, 38
External speakers, connecting to, 106 to 107
See Air filter
Height of image, adjusting, 25