Connecting to a Projector on a Network and Projecting 15
DWhen Projector keyword is set to "On" from the projector,
the keyword entry screen is displayed. Enter the keyword
displayed on the LAN standby screen, then click "OK".
When the connection is complete, the computer screen is project-
ed. The following EMP NS Connection toolbar is displayed on the
computer screen. You can use this toolbar to operate the projector
and make settings, and to disconnect the network connection. For
details on using the toolbar, see the following section.
qWhen changing presenters and so on, and when continuously connecting
from another computer, start EMP NS Connection from the computer you
want t o co nne ct. T he c omp ute r th at is cur ren tly conn ect ed i s dis con nec ted ,
and it is then connected with the computer that is trying to connect now.