Connection Limitations 57
•There are times when the image on the computer screen and the image
projected by the projector may not match exactly.
When Using Windows Vista
Note the following points when using EMP NS Connection with a
computer running Windows Vista.
Limitations when projecting from Windows Photo Gallery
Note the following two limitations when launching Windows Photo
Gallery when EMP NS Connection is running.
•Slide shows are played back in simple mode when projecting from
Windows Photo Gallery.
Because the toolbar is not displayed, you cannot make changes while
playing a Theme (effects), regardless of the Windows Experience Index
Once simple mode has started, you cannot change modes while
Windows Photo Gallery is running even if you close EMP NS
Connection. Restart Windows Photo Gallery.
•You cannot play movies.
Limitations in Windows Aero
Note the following two limitations when the window design for your
computer is Windows Aero.
•The layered window is projected regardless of the Transfer layered
window setting in from Set options in EMP NS Connection.
For example, when the Transfer layered window for the EMP NS
Connection toolbar is disabled, it should not be displayed on the
computer screen, however the toolbar is projected.
•A few minutes after you connect a computer to the projector over a
network with EMP NS Connection, the following message is displayed.
It is recommended that you select Keep the current color scheme, and
don't show this message again. This selection is enabled until the
computer is restarted.