7. Quality
This selects the photo print quality.
The Quality settings available depend on the Paper Type setting.
8. PhotoEnhance
Turns image enhancement on and off.
Printing All Photographs on a PC CardYou can print a specified number of copies of all of the
photographs on a PC card. The instruction below show an
example setting. For the other available setting options, see
“Display” on page 33.
Before printing, load paper and a PC card containing digital photo data
in the printer. See “Loading Paper” on p ag e 2 2 a n d “Loading PC Cards”
on page 25 for details.
Prints at high quality, but with reduced speed.
Prints fast, saving ink. This setting is good for draft printing.
Images imported from the PC card are automatically
enhanced. Printing requires more time, but the image is
enhanced to ensure higher picture quality.
Enhancement is off.