How To Print
This chapter includes a guided printing exercise and basic steps for printing. For instructions on printing on special media such as EPSON’s Photo Quality Glossy Film or envelopes, see your electronic EPSON Stylus COLOR 640 Manual. You’ll also find instructions for using custom software settings to
Using the Guided Printing Exercise
For a quick lesson in printing, run EPSON’s Guided Printing Exercise in Adobe PhotoDeluxe.
If you haven’t installed Adobe PhotoDeluxe yet, you can install it now by following the steps on page 7.
Follow these steps to launch the Guided Printing Exercise:
1.Click Start, point to Programs, Adobe, PhotoDeluxe 2.0, and then click Run Guided Printing Exercise.
2.When you see “Would you like to print a
3.Follow the instructions on screen. For each step in the exercise, a window appears next to the menu or dialog box with an explanation of what to select.
After you’ve completed all the steps, a color image will be printed.
If you want to exit the exercise before completing all the steps, click Cancel (you may need to click Cancel more than once, depending on which step you’re on).