Printer Software Diskettes

Ordering Printer Software Diskettes


Only the printer driver software is available on diskette. The creative software is available only on the EPSON Stylus COLOR 640 CD-ROM.

You can order printer driver software diskettes from EPSON by phone or fax for

$9.95 shipping and handling (plus tax where applicable), or you can download the printer driver files. When you’re ready to install your printer software, see page 44.


EPSON Web Page: Point your browser to and select File Downloads (FTP)

EPSON Internet FTP Site: Log on to with the user name anonymous and your e-mail address as the password

Epson America Forum on CompuServe: Click on Services. . . Go, then type EPSONFOR in the dialog box

EPSON Download Service: Set your modem’s communications software to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and a maximum speed of 28.8 Kbps. Then dial the EPSON BBS at (800) 442-2007.

If you need downloading instructions, call EPSON’s FaxAdvice service at

(800)442-2110 and request document #1220; be sure to supply a return fax number.