The Starting Line

Where is all the motor noise? How about some big levers, lights, and alarms?

Looks like dynamite in a small silent package!

The POWER light should be lit. Press the FEED button several times and watch it advance the paper. This doesn’t look at all complicated.

The Final Checkout

The final part of this checkout takes about 3½ minutes. It’s important that we do it; plus it shows us what print characters are available.

Load the printer with plenty of paper. Turn button down and turn the printer back ON -


the printer OFF. Hold the FEED at the same time.

WOW! Look at that son-of-a-gun go. Watch the head printing. Move the paper bail out of the way to see it better, but keep your fingers (and hair) out of the hardware.

When the printer stops, advance the paper forward with the FEED button, and tear off the self-test run. Hang it up on the wall as a souvenir.


That’s enough for this chapter. Take a short walk to vent the exhilaration. All’s

well and we’re on the right track. In the next chapter we’ll hook it to theGO ! computer, turn it on, and see what happens.