Appendix G
Special Notes on Other Computers/Languages/Interfaces
Interfacing Cables
The following table identifies known cables which are wired correctly for use with the
Computer | Parallel Interface/Cable | |
Apple II | EPSON I/F P/N 8131 | |
| EPSON Cable P/N 8230 |
| ‘Apple Centronics Parallel I/F |
Apple III | Same as above | |
| Run in Apple II emulation |
Atari 400 | 2Macrotronics P/N | |
Atari 800 | 2Macrotronics P/N | |
Atari 400/800 | Macrotronics P/N A85OE | |
(with 850 I/F) |
| |
Model I | Radio Shack P/N | |
(without expansion I/F) |
| |
Model I | Epson Cable P/N 8220 | |
(with expansion I/F) | 3Radio Shack P/N | |
Model II | Radio Shack P/N | |
Model III | Epson Cable P/N 8220 | |
| 3Radio Shack P/N |
‘Requires Modification to ground the Most Significant Bit Kontact Macrotronics for additional information
3Cut Pin #35 at the printer end of the cable