Advanced Graphics
Chapter 6
Advanced Graphics
Firing Pins at Seven PacesThe
As already repeated, many computers, or their printer interface boards, will not control or pass code numbers greater than 127. These computers can control only 7 of the 8 active pins in graphics mode. With that common computer deficiency in mind, the examples in the remaining chapters are limited to 7 dots per line.
The limitation is not a crippling one. We just have to adjust for it. (The same field of corn can be harvested by a
Users with ‘superior’ computers can follow right along at our 7 dot clip, knowing that their computers can drive all 8 pins if desired, but not until we’ve all finished the course.
HousekeepingLet’s develop a fairly complex graphics picture a step at a time. Everybody start by typing in these lines:
9 PR # l | (Apple) |
10 PRINT CHR$ (27) "A" CHR$(7) |
20 N=50
30 PRINT CHR$ (27) "K" CHR$ (N) CHR$ (0);
30 LPRINT CHR$ (27) "K" CHR$ (N) CHR$ (2); but don’t RUN yet.