Advanced Graphics

Chapter 6

Advanced Graphics

Firing Pins at Seven Paces

The MX-70 allows any computer to control the firing of its 8 active pins by simply sending ASCII code numbers between O-255. Conversely, these 256 code numbers are sufficient to control all 8 pins. Multi-line graphics programs will therefore usually be done with a top-of-line to top-of-line spacing of 8 dots (8/72”).

As already repeated, many computers, or their printer interface boards, will not control or pass code numbers greater than 127. These computers can control only 7 of the 8 active pins in graphics mode. With that common computer deficiency in mind, the examples in the remaining chapters are limited to 7 dots per line.

The limitation is not a crippling one. We just have to adjust for it. (The same field of corn can be harvested by a 2-row corn picker as by a 4-row - it just takes a little longer.)

Users with ‘superior’ computers can follow right along at our 7 dot clip, knowing that their computers can drive all 8 pins if desired, but not until we’ve all finished the course.


Let’s develop a fairly complex graphics picture a step at a time. Everybody start by typing in these lines:

9 PR # l


10 PRINT CHR$ (27) "A" CHR$(7)

20 N=50

30 PRINT CHR$ (27) "K" CHR$ (N) CHR$ (0);

TRS-80 Model I:

30 LPRINT CHR$ (27) "K" CHR$ (N) CHR$ (2); but don’t RUN yet.