The Final Push

Chapter 7

The Final Push

Only masochists failed to SAVE the final program from the last chapter. We’re now going to delete all its DATA lines and reconstruct it for more universal applications.

DELETE LINES 1000-1080.

Mix and Match

We are obviously amazed at the MX-70’s graphics ability. Our thoughts logically lead to thinking about mixing graphics and text on the same line. Can it be done? Sure, nothing to it. Just be sure to hang trailing semicolons on the ends of lines as needed to keep the printer from doing unwanted Line Feeds.

A few swift chops to our existing program will demonstrate the point. We can use it as a SUBroutine to READ and PRINT a graphics string.

Change the following:

10 PRINT CHR$ (27) "A" CHR$ (l0)

15 GOT0 140


Line 10 increases the line spacing to give our next figure a little breathing room (10 dot line height.)

Lines 15 and 130 turn the first part of the program into a subroutine.

Let’s start with a single line of graphics to set the stage:

140 GOSUB 20 : PRINT

150 DATA 60, - 2 7 , 1 2 7 , 1 2 6 , 1 0 0 , 6 4 , 1 , 1 1 , 6 3 , - 2 7 , 1 2 7

and RUN.

OK. The subroutine works.