Chapter 5

The Saki flowed like melting snow from Mt. Fuji when they contrived that wild scheme. Let’s see if we can wring it out.

Suppose we want to shoot 100 columns of graphics to the printer, on one row. What numbers would we use for N1 and N2?

CHR$ (l00) CHR$ (0)

for 100 columns

Ok, so we got lucky.

How about 300 columns? Well, 300-256=44. Let’s try:

CHR$ (44) CHR$ (1)

Since N2 = CHR$ (1), 256 is added to N1. 44 + 256 = 300.

Not really so bad. Pass the Saki!

Enter these lines, but don’t RUN:

9 PR #1



CHR$ (27) "K" CHR$ (50) CHR$ (0);

TRS-80 Model I use:

10 LPRINT CHR$ (27) “K” CHR$ (50) CHR$ (2) ;

The Model I can’t send CHR$ (0) reliably, and ANY EVEN number is interpreted as a zero in the ESC K sequence here in Graphtrax II.

How many columns is line 10 reserving, 50 or 306?

Answer=50. Don’t RUN yet.

Firing the Pins

There are 9 pins in the MX-70 print head. In graphics mode, we have control of the top 8 (the middle 7 for 7 bit computers).