display a “C”. The fourth key press displays a lower case “a”, the fifth key press displays a lower case “b”, and the sixth key press displays a lower case “c”. Lastly, pressing the “2” key a seventh time displays the number “2”.
When entering the second character in a text field or the second character following a space, FireBall assumes that lower case is preferred and the character entry cycles in the following pattern – lowercase, uppercase, and numeric.
The following text entry table describes the sequence of characters that appear when specific keys are pressed on the remote:
| Alpha Mode | Alpha Mode 2nd | |
| character or 2nd | ||
Key | 1stcharacter or 1st character after a | ||
character after a | |||
| space | ||
| space | ||
| ||
1 | 1. / , ? ‘ : ; &~! | 1. / , ? ‘ : ; &~! | |
2 | ABCabc2 | abcABC2 | |
3 | DEFdef3 | defDEF3 | |
4 | GHIghi4 | ghiGHI4 | |
5 | JKLjkl5 | jklJKL5 | |
6 | MNOmno6 | mnoMNO6 | |
7 | PQRSpqrs7 | pqrsPQRS7 | |
8 | TUVtuv8 | tuvTUV8 | |
9 | WXYZwxyz9 | wxyzWXYZ9 | |
0 | 0@ _ - * # [ ] ( )+= | 0@ _ - * # [ ] ( )+= |