Euphonix MADI Converters Operation Manual DM714 and MD704 Converters
3.3 DM 714/MD704 Front Panel
This section discusses both front panels and notes their few differences.
Figure 3-1 DM714 Front Panel
Signal Strength LEDs: Each of the 28 channels has a four-segment LED that repre-
sents the following signal levels: -42 dB, -18 dB, -6 dB (green), -.05 dB (red).
Trim Pot: A trim pot adjusts the analog output level of channels A1 and A2 between
+12 and +26 dBu in 2-dB steps.
SR Conv: The sample rate of all digital inputs is automatically detected and, if asyn-
chronous, converted to the system Sample Rate. This process is independently applied
to each stereo pair such that a combination of synchronous and asynchronous signals
can be connected to the DM714. Sample-rate conversion is switched off when synchro-
nous signals are detected. The range of sample-rate conversion is 32–56 kHz. 88.2 or
96 kHz signals cannot be sample-rate converted and are passed through if synchronous.
If non-synchronous 88.2 or 96 kHz signals are detected, the upper signal strength LED
flashes red to warn the user that the sample rate for those channels is not in sync with
the system settings. Sample-rate conversion reduces the bit depth in a 24-bit signal to
20 bits.
Sample Rate LEDs: These LEDs indicate the Sample Rate to which the converter is
currently locked. Sample Rates are auto-sensed but can be manually selected on the
DM714. Supported Sample Rates are 96 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz and Custom
Rates from external sources.
Sample Rate Source LEDs: These LEDs indicate the format of the Sample Rate
Source to which the converter is currently locked. Sample Rate Source can be auto-
sensed or manually selected. If an external source is not detected, the DM714 reverts to
Internal sync; the MD704 mutes its outputs. If a manually selected source is not present,
the Sample Rate Source indicator blinks.