Euro-Pro KC271B Before Using Your Slow Cooker, Setting the Temperature, Recettes, Chili automnal

Models: KC271B

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Before Using Your Slow Cooker

Read all the sections of this booklet and follow all the instructions carefully.

Before Using Your Slow Cooker

Prior To First Use, Clean The Unit Thoroughly

Before using for the first time, wash the cover and the ceramic pot in hot, soapy water.

Do not immerse metal housing in water or any other liquid.

Rinse and dry thoroughly.

Plug cord into a 120 volt AC outlet.

Always cook with the cover on and the ceramic pot in position. Remember that frequent lifting of the cover delays the cooking time.

When cooking a meat and vegetable combination, place the meat in the bottom of the ceramic pot.

Unplug the slow cooker when cooking is complete. Before cleaning, allow to cool completely.

The ceramic pot cannot withstand the shock of sudden temperature changes.

Do not use frozen meat or poultry in a slow cooker. Thaw any meat or poultry before slow cooking..

CAUTION: Be careful when adding additional liquids to ceramic pot - Never add cold liquids as this might cause the ceramic pot to crack. Always warm the liquids before adding.

Setting the Temperature

The slow cooker has been developed with a wrap-around side element concealed in the unit. This element provides the low, even temperature that makes lengthy cooking times possible. As a result of the wrap-around element, food will not stick to the base of the ceramic pot despite the long cooking time and the need to stir food is almost unnecessary. As food cooks just below boiling point, very little steam is given off and there is next to no evaporation, all of which provides flavorful, tender and moist results, even with budget cuts of meat.

LOW: The low heat setting gently simmers food for an extended period of time without overcooking or burning. No stirring is required when using this setting. Ideal for vegetable dishes and re-heating.

HI: The high heat setting is used when baking or cooking dried beans and will cook food in half the time required for the low setting. as food will boil when cooked on the high setting. Occasional stirring of stews and casseroles will improve the flavor distribution, food should be monitored when using the high setting, just like cooking in a pot with the lid on.

KEEP WARM: The keep warm setting is for holding the



prepared recipe at a perfect serving temperature. This



setting should only be used after a recipe has been



thoroughly cooked. If food has been refrigerated, it



must be heated on low or high and then switched



to keep warm.


WARNING: Do Not Cook on Keep Warm Setting.







Chili automnal

Ingrédients :


3½-4 lb

boeuf haché grossièrement



boîte de 14 ½ oz de bouillon de boeuf


c. à table

oignon finement haché


c. à thé

bouillon de boeuf instantané



boîte de 8 oz de sauce tomates


c. à table


1/2 c. à thé

poivre noir


c. à table

poudre chili

1 c. à table


¼ c. à thé

poudre d’oignon

¼ c. à thé


¼ c. à thé

poudre d’ail

¼ c. à thé

sel d’ail

¼ c. à thé


1 c. à table

jus de lime

1 paquet

mini épis de maïs, dégelé (facultatif)



crème sûre, pour la garniture



oignon vert, pour la garniture

½ t.

fromage, pour la garniture

Instructions :

Faites cuire le boeuf à feu moyen dans un grand poêlon, en égrenant jusqu’à ce qu’entièrement cuit. Égouttez. Placez le boeuf cuit, l’oignon haché, le bouillon de boeuf, la sauce tomate, la poudre chili, le paprika, le cumin, 2 c. à thé du bouillon de boeuf instantané, la poudre d’ail et le poivre noir dans le pot de céramique. Mélangez les ingrédients et mettez le couvercle de verre. Faites cuire pendant 7 heures 15 minutes à faible température ou 3 heures 15 minutes à haute température. Incorporez le reste du bouillon de boeuf, la poudre d’oignon, le sel, le sucre et le jus de lime. Couvrez et faites cuire une heure de plus. Garnissez de crème sûre, d’oignons verts et de fromage si désiré.

Ragoût de boeuf classique

Ingrédients :


4 lb

boeuf à ragoût, en cubes de 1 pouce

1/2 t.


1 c. à thé


1 c. à thé

poivre noir

3 t.

bouillon de boeuf

2 c. à thé

sauce Worcestershire


gousses d’ail émincées


feuilles de laurier

1 c. à thé



petites pommes de terre, en dés


petits oignons, en dés


branches de céleri, en dés

Instructions :

Faites brunir le boeuf à feu moyen dans un large poêlon, en retournant jusqu’à ce que tous les côtés brunissent. Ajoutez la viande au pot de céramique. Saupoudrez de farine, de sel et poivre et bien mélanger. Ajoutez le reste des ingrédients et bien mélanger. Couvrez et faites cuire pendant 11 heures à faible température ou 5 heures 30 minutes

àhaute température. Mélangez entièrement avant de servir.


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Euro-Pro KC271B Before Using Your Slow Cooker, Setting the Temperature, Prior To First Use, Clean The Unit Thoroughly