Euro-Pro KP170H Operating Instructions, Digital Control Panel, Coffee Ice Cream, Making Ice Cream

Models: KP170H

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Coffee Ice Cream

1 c.


1/4 c.

Instant Coffee

1 c.



Large Eggs, Beaten

1/8 tsp.


1 Tbs.

Vanilla Extract

3 c.

Half and Half Cream

1.Heat milk in a heavy saucepan over medium high heat. When bubbles form around the edge of the saucepan, remove from heat.

2.Stir in the coffee and half the sugar.

3.Slowly whisk hot mixture into bowl with beaten eggs, whisking constantly.

4.Return to saucepan. Add remaining sugar and salt. Stir constantly over medium high heat for 3-4 minutes until mixture is thickened.

5.Stir in vanilla extract and 1 cup half and half cream. Add remaining half and half cream and stir.

6.Spoon the mixture into the removable ice cream bucket of the Ice Cream Maker and start the cycle.

Pistachio Ice Cream

1 1/4 c.

Unsalted Pistachio Nuts (shelled)

2 1/2 c.




1 c.

Fine Sugar

1 c.

Heavy Cream, Whipped

Making Ice Cream

1.Place unit on a flat level surface with no walls or objects within 8-10 inches of all sides of the unit.

2.Prepare your ingredients as per recipe. Do not fill the Removable Ice Cream Bucket with more than 1 Quart of ingredients.

3.Press the Setup button and :65 (minutes) will flash. Continue to press the setup button until the desired preparation time is displayed(this time should include 15 minutes cooling time and the mixing time).

Hint: Always have motor assembly in place for optimum cooling performance.

4.Press the "Chill/Off" to start the chill cycle.

5.After 15min. a buzzer will sound and the unit will be ready to start the mixing cycle.

6.Remove the motor assembly.

7.Add your recipe ingredients to the Removable Ice Cream Bucket and press the Bucket firmly into the cooling cylinder.

8.Replace the motor assembly with Stirring Paddle in place. Motor assembly must be completely seated in place or the unit will not mix.

9.Start the mixing cycle by depressing the Mix button. (If the mixing cycle must be terminated at any time you just have to press the mix button to stop mixing).

10.Do not allow the ice cream mixture to freeze and lock the Stirring Paddle. If the Stirring Paddle does become locked, immediately press the Chill/Off button to keep from damaging the unit.

11.When the ice cream is ready, turn unit "Off" by pressing the Chill/Off button.

12.Remove the motor assembly from the unit.

13.Remove the Removable Ice Cream Bucket from the unit and empty the ice cream into another container. If you do not wish to use the ice cream right away, cover the ice cream container and place it in the freezer. If the ice cream is too soft after it has finished mixing. Just place it in the freezer for 1 - 2 hours.

1 tsp.

Almond Extract

1 tsp.

Vanilla Extract


Blanch the nuts by placing them in a bowl and pouring boiling water over them.


Let stand for 1 minute. Drain and peel the pistachios.


Blend the nuts, milk, eggs and sugar to a smooth consistency. Pour into a


saucepan. And cook over low heat until the mixture thickens, about 25 minutes.


Do not boil.


Allow to cool, then add vanilla and almond extracts. Stir. Fold in whipped




Spoon the mixture into the removable ice cream bucket of the Ice Cream Maker


and start the cycle.


There are four function buttons on the digital control panel: Chill/Off, Mix, Clock, Setup.

Green Tea Ice Cream

1/3 c.


1/3 c.


2 tsp.

Powdered Green Tea

1 c.

Heavy Cream

1 c.

Light Cream

1.Combine the water and sugar in a saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Simmer the syrup for 5 minutes.

2.In a separate bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of the syrup with the powdered green tea and then add this mixture to the syrup in the saucepan. Stir until evenly mixed.

3.Add the light cream and the heavy cream and stir.

4.Pour the mixture into the removable ice cream bucket of the Ice Cream Maker and start the cycle.

Chill/Off: Press to start the "Chill" cycle or to stop the unit during the "Mixing" cycle.

Mix: To start the unit mixing, press the "Mix" button. To stop, press "Mix" again.

Clock: The LCD display shows the time. To adjust the clock, press "Time" for the "hour" to flash and then press "Setup" to adjust the hour. To adjust

the minute setting, press the "Time" button until the minutes flash and then the "Setup" button to adjust accordingly. When you have finished setting the correct time, press "Time" button again to set.

Setup: Press to set the cycle timer or set time.



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Euro-Pro KP170H Operating Instructions, Digital Control Panel, Coffee Ice Cream, Pistachio Ice Cream, Making Ice Cream