Symptoms and Solutions
Please check the following list prior to calling Nec Service Center for assistance
Is the Monitor power cord plugged into the outlet correctly?
Please check the power cord and connect it properly to the outlet.
Press the main power button at the front controller panel.
Turn the antenna towards where the broadcasting station is
Has the "mute" button at the remote controller been pressed accidentally?
Have you checked its volume?
Press the "mute" button on the remote controller once more. Adjust the volume pressing the "" button
Have you checked the antenna? Have you checked whether it has been interfered by vehicles or neon signs?
Have you checked the Color?
Isn't the program itself broadcasting in black and white?
Have you checked the antenna connection?
Adjust the color pressing the “/” buttons as explained in page 36
Check other broadcasting programs
Hasn't the remote controller receiving window be blocked or interfered by any object?
Aren't the batteries on the remote controller low?
Hasn't the remote controller mode set up in cable mode?