Maintenance Tips
Air Filter Cleaning
Unplug the power cord from the outlet before cleaning.
When vacuuming the filter, please do so from the outmost surface.
The Monitor set will not operate if the air filter has not been properly assembled.
Change the air filter if damaged or wet.
Please clean the filter periodically for the product s proper functioning and operation. Particularly, more frequent cleaning may be necessary if the Monitor is installed and utilized in a dusty place. Please use the following steps when cleaning it up.
Turn off the MONITOR set
Use either the remote controller or the power button to turn off the Monitor. When the power is off, the unit will stand by momentarily for cooling.
Wait until the power lamp at the front panel turns red.
Disconnect the Unit Completely
When the cooling process of the mercury lamp ends, unplug the power cord from the outlet.
Pull off the Speaker Grill at the Front Panel
Refer to the illustration provided below. Pull off the speaker grill of the right side of the panel. Begin taking off from the most exterior part.
Clean the filter
Do not remove the filter from the unit, and use the vacuum cleaner to remove the dust.
Air Filter Change
When changing the air filter, please do so after having brushed away dust on the set. Do not let the dust get into the unit since the product contains
Do not detach the filter sponge fixed on the filter cover.
Do not clean the filter sponge with water since it may be a cause of blocking its holes.
You must fit in the filter cover properly to the set. If not, the unit will not power on.
It is essential to change the air filter at the time of changing the lamp.
Pull off the Speaker Grill at the Front Panel
Pull off the speaker grill of the right side of the panel as the way you have done when cleaning the air filter. Hold the filter knob and remove it as in the direction illustrated.
Install the New Air Filter
Fit in the new air filter and adjust the speaker grill properly.