| Limited |
| |||||
ELECTRONICS, | on the duration of implied war- | ||||||||
INC., warrants to the original con- | ranties and do not allow exclusion of | ||||||||
sumer that its products are free from | incidental or consequential damages, | ||||||||
any electrical or mechanical defects | so the above limitations and exclu- | ||||||||
for a period of 90 DAYS from the | sions in these instances may not | ||||||||
date of purchase. If any such defect | apply. |
| ||||||
is discovered within the warranty | The only authorized service center | ||||||||
period, EXCALIBUR ELECTRON- | in the United States is: |
| |||||||
ICS, INC., will repair or replace the | Excalibur Electronics, Inc. | ||||||||
unit free of charge upon receipt of | 13755 SW 119th Ave |
| |||||||
the unit, shipped postage prepaid | Miami, Florida 33186 U.S.A. | ||||||||
and insured to the factory address | Phone: 305.477.8080 |
| |||||||
shown at right. |
| ||||
The warranty covers normal con- | Fax: 305.477.9516 |
| |||||||
www.ExcaliburElectronics.com | |||||||||
sumer use and does not cover dam- | Ship the unit carefully packed, | ||||||||
age that occurs in shipment or failure | |||||||||
preferably in the original carton, and | |||||||||
that results | from alterations, | acci- | |||||||
send it prepaid, | and adequately | ||||||||
dent, misuse, abuse, | neglect, | wear | |||||||
insured. Include a | letter, detailing | ||||||||
and tear, inadequate | maintenance, | ||||||||
the complaint and | including | your | |||||||
commercial use, or unreasonable use | |||||||||
daytime telephone | number, | inside | |||||||
of the unit. Removal of the top | |||||||||
the shipping carton. |
| |||||||
panel voids all warranties. This war- |
| |||||||
ranty does not cover cost of repairs | If your warranty has expired and you | ||||||||
made or attempted outside of the | |||||||||
want an estimated fee for service, | |||||||||
factory. |
| ||||
| write to the above address, specify- | ||||
Any applicable implied warranties, | ing the model and the problem. | ||||||||
including | warranties | of | mer- | DO NOT SEND YOUR |
| ||||
chantability and fitness, are hereby |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
limited to 90 DAYS from the date of |
| ||||||||
purchase. Consequential or inciden- | |||||||||
tal damages resulting from a breach | |||||||||
| ||||||||
of any applicable express or implied |
| ||||||||
warranties | are | hereby | excluded. |
| |||
Some states do not allow limitations |
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