Taking the


Taking the

English Course/Englischkurs


English Course/Englischkurs

You can take the test for any major section you like, but you will not be able to jump around within a section. For example, in the vocabulary section of the test, there are 6 parts. In order to take part 2, part 1 must be satisfactorily completed. That means that your score for part 1 must reach a certain level before you are allowed to move on to part 2.

2.Navigate through the Evaluation Test menu, just as you would through a tour, expanding the menus until you reach the test.

Pressorto highlight the item you want and then press ENTER.

Press or to scroll down or up one screen at a time.

Press BACK to return to your previous location or close an expanded menu.

3.Take the selected part of the test.

Each piece of the test reflects one of the types of exercises. For specific instructions on the different types of exercises, please see “Types of Exercises” on page 19.

4.When you complete a part of the test, press OPTIONS.

5.Submit/Abschicken is highlighted. Press ENTER to submit your answers.

At the Options menu you can also save your progress if you are not finished, change Tim’s settings, or

re-start the entire test. Pressor to highlight the option you want and then press ENTER.

Select Save/Speichern to save your progress so far and return to the Evaluation Test menu.

Note: The next time you select this part from the menu, you return to the test with all your previous answers in place.

Select Tim’s help settings/Tims Hilfe- Einstellungen to adjust Tim’s voice settings.

Select Redo the test/Den Test wiederholen to retake the test. Warning! This means that any previously saved answers or results for every section of the test will be erased.

6.After submitting your answers your score for the completed part is displayed along with your overall score for the current section.

7.is highlighted. Press ENTER to continue the test.

The Evaluation Test menu is displayed, with the next available part highlighted.