Highlighting Words


Sending Words


Between Books



Another way to find synonyms and Confusables is by highlighting words in thesaurus entries. Try this example.

1.Type demeanour.

2.Press ENTER .

3.Press ENTER again.

Notice the highlight. You can turn it off by pressing BACK .

4.Press the arrow keys to highlight a word (e.g., air).5.Press one of these keys:
To View...Press...

its thesaurus entry



Confusables, if any


6.Press BACK to go back to the highlighted word.

7.Press CLEAR when finished.

You can look up words from this book in certain other BOOKMAN books, and vice versa.

To send or receive a word to or from another book, you must first install a book card in your BOOKMAN, and that card must be able to send or receive words, too. To learn if a card can send or receive words, read its User’s Guide.

1.Highlight a word in this book. To highlight a word in a list, press the arrow keys.

To highlight a word in text, press ENTER and then press the arrow keys.

2.Hold and press CARD .3.Highlight the other book.

4.Press ENTER .

The word that you highlighted appears in the other book.

5.Press ENTER to look up the word.