Chapter 3
Test Tool – Zigbee Flash Tool
The Zigbee flash tool is a part of the general Zigbee Test Tool. This chapter provides a brief description of how to use the Zigbee Test Tool to upload new firmware. For more details about installation and other features, see the documentation for the Zigbee Test Tool and the Zigbee.hlp file in Test Tool installation directory .\help.
The flash programming part of the Test Tool can be used with two different user interfaces.
2.The command line version in ‘Bootloader.exe’ in the ‘S19’ folder.
This description covers Embedded Bootloader version 5.00 of the Zigbee Test Tool.
Uploadable applications in Motorola S19 file format must be copied to the [installation directory]\Freescale\Test Tool\S19 directory in advance. Copy any new applications in S19 format to this folder.
The actual window layout may differ from the figures shown in this document. Refer to the Freescale Zigbee/802.15.4 web page for new or updated applications.
Freescale Semiconductor | Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 |