[] PhotoBook Assist
Createbooks from your favorite photos.
Creating aPhotoBook
1 Select NEW BOOK for [] PHOTOBOOK ASSIST in the playback menu (_ 67) and choose from the following options:
•SELECTFROMALL:Choose from all available pictures.
•SELECTBYIMAGESEARCH:Choose from pictures matching selected search conditions (_ 41).
_, Neither photographs I_1 or smaller nor movies carl be selected for photobooks.
2 Scroll through the images and press the selector up to select or deselect. To display the current image on the cover, press the selector down. Press MENU/OKto exit when the book is complete.
Tile first picture selected becomes tile cover image. Presstile selector down to select a different image for the cover.
3 Select COMPLETE PHOTOBOOK (to select all photos or all photos match- ing the specified search conditions for the book, choose SELECT ALL). The new book will be added to the list in the photobook assist menu.
(l> Books carl contain up to 300 pictures.
(l> Books that contain no photos are automatically deleted.