| i_ ¸Qi_i_ _ _c_i l!_c_i_ic_ |
Problem |
| Solution |
Chargingdoesnotstart, | IReinsertthebatteryinthe correctorientationand makesurethat thechargerispluggedin (7), | |
Chargingisslow, | lChargethebatteryat roomtemperature(vi), | |
Thecharging lamplights, I" | There is dirt on the batteryterminals: Cleanthe terminalswith asoft,drycloth. | |
butthe batterydoesnot • | The battery has been charged many times: Thebattery hasreachedthe end of its charg- | |
charge, |
| ing ife, Purchasenew battery, fthe batterysti fai sto charge,contactyourFUJFLMdeaer, |
Problem | Solution |
Men.usan!.!isplaysare ISelectENGLISH for m _ILANG, | ( 18 77), |
no[in Lngllsn,
Problem | Solution |
Memory is full:Insert anew memorycardordeletepictures( 1I, 40),
Memory is not formatted: Formatthe memorycardor internalmemory( 78),
There is dirt on the memory card contacts: Cleanthe contactswith asoft,dry cloth,
the shutterbutton is
The memory card isdamaged:Insertanew memorycard(_ 11),
The battery isexhausted:Chargethe batteryor
Thecamera hasturned offautomatically: Turnthe cameraon (16),
| The indicator lamp was orange when you attempted to recorda panorama:Wait until |
| the indicatorlampsturns off(3), |
TheLCDmonitor goes | TheLCDmonitor maydarkenwhile theflashcharges,Wait for the flashto charge(34), |
darkafter shooting. |
T_ _ ::;_ .... | _ | 89 |