| i_¸oi;_i_ _ _c_i l!_c_i_i_ | |
Problem |
| Solution |
Someflashmodesare | Thedesired flash mode isnot available in the currentshooting mode:Chooseadifferent | ||||
notavailable, | shootingmode (24), |
| |
| Thecamera isin silent mode: Turnsilent modeoff ( | 77), |
| ||
Theflashdoesnot fully | The subject is not in range ofthe | flash: Positionthe subjectin rangeofthe flash(I04), | |||
light thesubject, | Theflash window | isobstructed: | Holdthe cameracorrectly(20), |
| |
| The protectiveglass covering the lens is dirty: Cleanthe glass( | 87), | |||
| The protective glasscovering the lens is blocked:Keepobjectsawayfromthe lens(_ 20). | ||||
Picturesareblurred, | !AF is displayedduring shooting and the focus frame is displayedin red: Checkfocus | ||||
| beforeshooting(94), |
| |
| [.',_is displayed during shooting:Usethe flashoratripod (35), |
| |||
Picturesaremottled, | Thisisnormalwhenslow shutterspeedsare selectedat hightemperaturesand doesnot indicate | ||||
a malfunction, |
| |
| |
Verticallinesappearin | Thecamerahasbeenusedcontinuouslyat hightemperatures, Turnthecameraoff and wait for | ||||
pictures, | it to cooldown, |
"Smear"inthe form of | Vertical purple orwhite linesmayappearafter the camerahasbeen usedcontinuouslyat high | ||||
vertical purpleorwhite | temperaturesor whenaverybright object isinthe frame;this phenomenoniscommonto all CCD | ||||
linesappearsin the | imagesensorsand doesnot indicatea malfunction, Theselinesarerecordedin moviesbutdo not | ||||
display, | appearin photographs,Avoidframing bright objectswhen filming movies, | ||||
Soundsmadebythe | 1_':ITRACKING | isselected for 11iIAF MODE: | SelectadifferentAFmode(66), | ||
cameraarerecordedwith | Zoom was adjusted during shooting: Donotadjust zoomduring shooting. | ||||
movies, | Intelligent FaceDetection is on: TurnIntelligent FaceDetectionoff (29), |