Installation on a Mac OS X

1 Turn your Macintosh on and start up Mac OS X. Do not launch any other applications.

2 When the bundled CD-ROM is loaded into the CD-ROM drive, the “FinePix” icon appears. Double-click the “FinePix” icon to open the “FinePix” volume window.

3 Double-click on “Installer for MacOS X”.

4 The Installer setup dialog appears. Click the [Installing FinePixViewer] button.


For more information on what is installed, click the [Read Me First] button and [Using FinePixViewer] button.

5 The “Authenticate” dialog appears. Enter the name and password for the administrator account and then click the [OK] button.*

*The administrator account is the user account used for Mac OS X installation and you can confirm the user account in the Accounts dialog in the System Preferences.

6 Install FinePixViewer as directed by the on- screen instructions.