CHAPTER2 Dependence Functions Forced Break

This function forcibly suspends program execution.

Forced Break
This function forcibly suspends program execution.
When the forced break occurs, the following message appears in the status bar.
Break at address by command abort request
How to Generate
A forced break is generated in the following methods:
[Debug] - [Abort] menu
For details, refer to "4.6.2 Abort" in "SOFTUNE Workbench Operation Manual".
• Command
For details, refer to "2.2 ABORT" in "SOFTUNE Workbench Command Reference Manual".

When a User Program does not Stop

In any one of the following, even when the forced break is caused to occur, the user program may not stop.
Solutions are described below.
The communication speed of the debugger is low.
[Phenomenon] When the communication speeds of the debugger is low, it can take time to receive a
program stop request.
[Solution] Await for some time until receipt of the stop request is completed.
The interrupt level is low.
[Phenomenon] When the interrupt level of the program stop request is low, the interrupt is masked by the
CPU interrupt level (ILM).
[Solution 1] Alter the interrupt level of the stop request, and issue a stop request again.
[Solution 2] Issue a program forced-stop request.
The debugger is in power-on debugging.
[Phenomenon] It is considered that the debugger is in power-on debugging.
[Solution] Cancel the power-on debug mode.
The MCU is in a hang-up state.
[Phenomenon] It is considered that the MCU is in a hang-up state.
[Solution] Issue a reset.
If the forced break is performed in pause state a break occurs after that mode is released.
For details, refer to "Appendix C. Debugger Suspension Messages" in "SOFTUNE Workbench
Command Reference Manual".